Submitted by admin on
- Istanbul konferans dizisi
- The structure of trace formulas and their comparison
- Orbital integrals of spherical functions
- Preliminary facts about unitary groups in three variables
- Stable conjugacy, stable trace formula
- Division algebras I
- On the global correspondence between \(\mathrm{GL}(n)\) and division algebras
- Division algebras III
- The hyperbolic terms for \(\mathrm{SL}(3)\) and \(\mathrm{SU}(3)\)
- Introduction
- The basic identity proved
- The coarse \(O\)-expansion
- Absolute convergence of the coarse \(O\)-expansion
- \(O\)-expansion and weighted orbital integrals
- Properties of the truncation operator
- Preparation for the coarse \(\chi\)-expansion I. Statement of Lemmas
- Preparation for the coarse \(\chi\)-expansion. Proof of the Lemmas
- The modified basic identity and weighted orbital integrals
- The inner product formula
- Some formal properties of the terms in the trace formula
- The fine \(\chi\)-expansion