Submitted by tarzadon on Fri, 2012-05-04 11:43 Author: Irving LavinLast Name: LavinType: article versionSection: Articles,Reviews,etc.FileField attachments: Lavin_TheodoreAubanelFillesAvignon_2007_FR.pdfIAS: Irving LavinSchool of Historical Studies: SHSPublishing InformationJournal: Picasso CubisteYear: 2007Location: exhib. cat., ParisPages: 55-69Publishing: “Les Filles d’Avignon de Théodore Aubanel et la ‘somme de destructions’de Picasso," in Description: Revised and enlarged French version: ‹ Les filles d’Avignon. Picassos schöpferische Summe von Zerstörungen up Les filles d’Avignon. Picassos schöpferische Summe von Zerstörungen › Printer-friendly version