Submitted by mtuya on Wed, 2013-09-25 15:38 Author: Irving LavinLast Name: LavinType: articleSection: Articles,Reviews,etc.FileField attachments: Lavin_BonaventureFranciscan_2013.pdfIAS: Irving LavinSchool of Historical Studies: SHSPublishing InformationJournal: Beyond the Text: Franciscan Art and the Construction of ReligionYear: 2013Location: New YorkPages: 228-31Publishing: in Xavier Seubert, and Oleg Bychkov, eds., ‹ Divine Grace and the Remedy of the Imperfect: Michelangelo's Signature on the St. Peter's Pietà up 'Italia Mia'. Argan, Modena, and an unexpected project by Frank O. Gehry › Printer-friendly version