Submitted by tarzadon on
School of Mathematics:
- 1982/83 - A note on the spectrum of cusp forms for congruence subgroups
- 1984 - Statistical Properties of Eigenvalues of the Hecke Operators
- 1988 - Torsion points on varieties and homology of abelian covers
- 1990 - Determinants of Laplacians, heights and finiteness
- 1993 - Arithmetic Quantum Chaos
- 1999 - Maass cusp forms with integer coefficients
- 2000 - Perspectives on the Analytic Theory of L-Functions (with H. Iwaniec)
- 2004 - Number variance for $SL(2, \mathbb Z)\backslash \mathbb H$
- 2004 - Nonvanishing of L-functions on $\Re(s)=1$ (Shalika's 60th Birthday Conference)
- 2007 - Remembering Paul Cohen
- 2010 - Generalization of Selberg's $3/16$ Theorem and Affine Sieve
- 2011 - Three Lectures on the Mobius function randomness and dynamics (Lecture 1)
- 2011 - Real zeros of holomorphic Hecke cusp forms (with A. Ghosh)
- 2011 - The Horocycle Flow at Prime Times (with A. Ubis)
- 2011 - Affine Sieve (with A. Salehi Golsefidy)
- 2011 - Disjointness of Mobius from Horocyle Flows (with J. Bourgain and T. Ziegler)
- 2011 - Integral Apollonian Packing
- 2012 - Nodal domains of Maass forms I (with A. Ghosh and A. Reznikov)
- 2012 - Notes on Thin Matrix Groups
- 2013 - Hyperbolic monodromy groups for the hypergeometric equation and Cartan involutions (with E. Fuchs and C. Meiri)
- 2013 - The Mobius function and distal flows (with J. Liu)
- 2013 - The Quantum Variance of the Modular Surface (with P. Zhao)
- 2013 - Topologies of Nodal Sets of Random Band Limited Functions (with I. Wigman)
- 2014 - Families of L-Functions and their Symmetry (with S. W. Shin and N. Templier)
- 2024 - Strong Approximation and the Diophantine properties of Markoff triples (joint with J.Bourgain and A.Gamburd)