Variations of Hodge Structure
On the tangent space to the space of algebraic cycles on a smooth algebraic variety (Annals of Math Studies, 157)
Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2005, vi+200 pp
Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ, 2005, vi+200 pp
ISBN: 0-681-12044-7
On the periods of integrals on algebraic manifolds
Rice University Studies . 54 no 4 (1968) 21-38.
[ ontheperiodsI ]
Rice University Studies . 54 no 4 (1968) 21-38.
[ ontheperiodsI ]
On the periods of certain rational integrals, I, II
Ann. Math. (2) . 90 (1969) 460-495 and 496-541.
[ ontheperiodsII.pdf ]
Ann. Math. (2) . 90 (1969) 460-495 and 496-541.
[ ontheperiodsII.pdf ]
Periods of integrals on algebraic manifolds, III. Some global differential-geometric properties of the period mapping
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications Mathématiques . 38 (1970) 125-180.
[ periodsofintegralIII.pdf ]
Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques. Publications Mathématiques . 38 (1970) 125-180.
[ periodsofintegralIII.pdf ]
Periods of integrals on algebraic manifolds: Summary of main results and discussion of open problems
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society . 76 (1970) 228-296.
[ periodsofintegral.pdf ]
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society . 76 (1970) 228-296.
[ periodsofintegral.pdf ]
A theorem on periods of integrals of algebraic manifolds
Rice University Studies . 56 no 2 (1970) 143-152.
[ atheoremperiods ]
Rice University Studies . 56 no 2 (1970) 143-152.
[ atheoremperiods ]
A transcendental method in algebraic geometry
Actes du Congrès International des Mathématiciens (Nice, 1970) . Tome 1 (1971) 113-119 Gauthier-Villars, Paris.
[ transcendentalmethod ]
Actes du Congrès International des Mathématiciens (Nice, 1970) . Tome 1 (1971) 113-119 Gauthier-Villars, Paris.
[ transcendentalmethod ]
Infinitesimal variations of Hodge structure and the global Torelli problem
Journées de Géometrie Algébrique d’Angers, Juillet 1979/Algebraic Geometry, Angers . (1979) 51-76 Sijthoff & Noordhoff, Alphen aan den Rijn--Germantown, Md..
[ infinitesimalvariations.pdf ]
Journées de Géometrie Algébrique d’Angers, Juillet 1979/Algebraic Geometry, Angers . (1979) 51-76 Sijthoff & Noordhoff, Alphen aan den Rijn--Germantown, Md..
[ infinitesimalvariations.pdf ]
An infinitesimal invariant for normal functions
Daisu Shinpojiumu Hokokushui, Proceedings of the algebrais Symposium, Kanron oyobi Daisukikagaku, Ring Theory and Algebraic Geometrictry, Hyogo-ken Kyoiku Kaikan, Hyogo Prefecture Educational Hall, Nihon Sugaku Kai Japan Mathematical Society . (1979) 277-309.
Daisu Shinpojiumu Hokokushui, Proceedings of the algebrais Symposium, Kanron oyobi Daisukikagaku, Ring Theory and Algebraic Geometrictry, Hyogo-ken Kyoiku Kaikan, Hyogo Prefecture Educational Hall, Nihon Sugaku Kai Japan Mathematical Society . (1979) 277-309.
Infinitesimal variations of Hodge structure, I
Compositio Mathematica . 50 no. 2-3 (1983) 109-205.
[ infinitesI.pdf ]
Compositio Mathematica . 50 no. 2-3 (1983) 109-205.
[ infinitesI.pdf ]
Infinitesimal variations of Hodge structure, II. An infinitesimal invariant of Hodge classes
Compositio Mathematica . 50 no. 2-3 (1983) 207-265.
[ infinitesII.pdf ]
Compositio Mathematica . 50 no. 2-3 (1983) 207-265.
[ infinitesII.pdf ]
Infinitesimal variations of Hodge structure. III. Determinantal varieties and the infinitesimal invariant of normal functions
Compositio Mathematica . 50 no. 2-3 (1983) 267-324.
[ infinitesIII.pdf ]
Compositio Mathematica . 50 no. 2-3 (1983) 267-324.
[ infinitesIII.pdf ]
Some observations on the infinitesimal period relations for regular threefolds with trivial canonical bundle
Arithmetic and geometry . II (1983) 77-102 Progr. Math., 36, Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, Mass.
[ someobservations.pdf ]
Arithmetic and geometry . II (1983) 77-102 Progr. Math., 36, Birkhäuser Boston, Boston, Mass.
[ someobservations.pdf ]
Variation of Hodge structure. Topics in transcendental algebraic geometry (Princeton, N.J., 1981/1982)
Annals of Mathematics Studies . 106 (1984) 3-28 Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ.
[ variationofhodge ]
Annals of Mathematics Studies . 106 (1984) 3-28 Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ.
[ variationofhodge ]
Infinitesimal variation of Hodge structure. Topics in transcendental algebraic geometry (Princeton, N.J., 1981/1982)
Annals of Mathematics Studies . 106 (1984) 51-61 Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ.
[ infinitesimalvarofhodge ]
Annals of Mathematics Studies . 106 (1984) 51-61 Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ.
[ infinitesimalvarofhodge ]
Asymptotic behavior of a variation of Hodge structure. Topics in transcendental algebraic geometry (Princeton, N.J., 1981/1982)
Annals of Mathematics Studies . 106 (1984) 63-74 Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ.
[ asymptoticbehavior ]
Annals of Mathematics Studies . 106 (1984) 63-74 Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ.
[ asymptoticbehavior ]
Infinitesimal variation of Hodge structure and the generic global Torelli theorem. Topics in transcendental algebraic geometry (Princeton, N.J., 1981/1982)
Annals of Mathematics Studies . 106 (1984) 227-237 Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ.
[ infinitesimalvariations ]
Annals of Mathematics Studies . 106 (1984) 227-237 Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, NJ.
[ infinitesimalvariations ]
Hodge Theory and Geometry
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society . 36 no. 6 (2004) 721-757.
[ hodgegeom.pdf ]
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society . 36 no. 6 (2004) 721-757.
[ hodgegeom.pdf ]
Algebraic cycles and singularities of normal functions II,
Inspired by S.S. Chern, Nankai Tracts Math. . 11 (2006) 179-268 World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ.
[ acycles2(613).pdf ]
Inspired by S.S. Chern, Nankai Tracts Math. . 11 (2006) 179-268 World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ.
[ acycles2(613).pdf ]
Algebraic cycles and singularities of normal functions I, Algebraic Cycles and Motives
LMS Lecture Note Series . 343 (2007) 206-263.
[ acycles1(609).pdf ]
LMS Lecture Note Series . 343 (2007) 206-263.
[ acycles1(609).pdf ]
Néron models and boundary components for degenerations of Hodge structure of mirror quintic type,
Compositio Mathematica . 465 (2008) 71-145.
[ CM2165.pdf ]
Compositio Mathematica . 465 (2008) 71-145.
[ CM2165.pdf ]
Variations of Hodge structure considered as an exterior differential system: old and new results
SIGMA . 5 (2009)
[ Sigma.pdf ]
SIGMA . 5 (2009)
[ Sigma.pdf ]
Logarithmic Hodge structures (Report on the work of Kato Usui)
(presented at MSRI, March 19, 2009)
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(presented at MSRI, March 19, 2009)
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