
Ph.D. thesis

2. Some holomorphic semi-groups
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences . 46 (1960) MathSciNet Review: 177303

3. On Lie semi-groups
Canadian Journal of Mathematics . 12 (1960) MathSciNet Review: 121667

Representation theory of real groups

4. Dimension of spaces of automorphic forms
American Journal of Mathematics . 85 (1963) MathSciNet Review: 156362

5. Dimension of spaces of automorphic forms
Proceedings of the AMS Symposium at Boulder, Colorado . (1965) MathSciNet Review: 212135

8. On unitary representations of the Virasoro algebra
Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras and their applications . (1988) MathSciNet Review: 1114998

Eisenstein series and automorphic forms

10. The volume of the fundamental domain for some arithmetical subgroups of Chevalley groups
Proceedings of the AMS Symposium at Boulder, Colorado . (1965) MathSciNet Review: 213362

11. Eisenstein series
Proceedings of the AMS Symposium at Boulder, Colorado . (1965) MathSciNet Review: 249539

12. Euler Products
Yale Mathematical Monographs . (1967) MathSciNet Review: 419366

13. On the Functional Equations Satisfied by Eisenstein Series
Springer Lecture Notes . 544 (1965/1976) MathSciNet Review: 579181

16. On the notion of an automorphic representation
Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics XXXIII, AMS . (1979) MathSciNet Review: 546598

17. Rank-one residues of Eisenstein series
Israel Mathematical Conference Proceedings 3 . (1990) MathSciNet Review: 1159111


18. Letter to André Weil
Emil Artin and beyond---Class field theory and L-functions . (written in 1967, appeared in volume in 2015) 165--173.

20. Comments on the letter to Weil
Emil Artin and beyond---Class field theory and L-functions . (2015, written 2010) 175--209.

21. Problems in the Theory of Automorphic Forms
Lectures in modern analysis and applications III, Lecture Notes in Mathematics . 170 (1970) MathSciNet Review: 302614

22. Representations of abelian algebraic groups
Pacific Journal of Mathematics . 181 (1997) 231-250.MathSciNet Review: 1610871

25. Where stands functoriality today?
Edinburgh conference on automorphic forms, AMS . (1997) MathSciNet Review: 1476510

First tests and first consequences of functoriality

27. Automorphic Forms on GL(2)
Lecture Notes in Mathematics . 114 (1970) MathSciNet Review: 401654

29. On Artin's L-functions
Rice University Studies . 56 (1970) no. 2, 23-28.

30. Automorphic forms on GL(2) (Nice, France)
Actes du Congrès International des Mathématiciens . 2 (1970) 327-330.MathSciNet Review: 562505

Base change

31. Base change for GL(2)
Annals of Mathematics . 96 (1980) MathSciNet Review: 574808

32. L-functions and Automorphic Representations
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Helsinki . (1978) MathSciNet Review: 562605


33. L-indistinguishability for SL(2)
Canadian Journal of Mathematics . 31 (1979) MathSciNet Review: 540902

34. Stable conjugacy-definitions and lemmas
Canadian Journal of Mathematics . 31 (1979) MathSciNet Review: 540901

35. Les débuts d'une formule des traces stable
Publications mathématiques de l'Université Paris VII . (1979) MathSciNet Review: 697567

36. Le lemme fondamental pour les algébres de Lie
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society . 49 (1) (January 2012) 169-179.

37. Orbital integrals on forms of SL(3) I
American Journal of Mathematics . 105 (1983) 465--506.MathSciNet Review: 701566

38. On principal values on p-adic manifolds
Lie group representations II, Lecture Notes in Mathematics . 41 (1984) MathSciNet Review: 748510

39. Orbital integrals on forms of SL(3) II
Canadian Journal of Mathematics . 41 (1989) -27.MathSciNet Review: 1013465

40. On the definition of transfer factors
Mathematischen Annalen . 278 (1987) -52.MathSciNet Review: 909227

41. Descent for transfer factors
The Grothendieck Festschrift . 2 (1990) -77.MathSciNet Review: 1106907

42. Remarks on Igusa theory and real orbital integrals
The zeta functions of Picard modular surfaces, Centre de Recherches Mathématiques, Montréal . (1992) MathSciNet Review: 1155232

43. Eisenstein series, the trace formula, and the modern theory of automorphic forms
Number theory, trace formulas, and discrete groups . (1987) MathSciNet Review: 993313

Beyond endoscopy

45. Beyond endoscopy
Contributions to Automorphic Forms, Geometry, and Number Theory: A Volume in Honor of Joseph Shalika . (2004) MathSciNet Review: 2058622

46. Un nouveau point de repère dans la theorie des formes automorphes
Canad. Math Bulletin . 50 (2007) 243-267.MathSciNet Review: 2317447

47. Formule des traces et fonctorialité: Le début d'un programme
Annales des Sciences Mathematiques du Quebec . 34 (2010) MathSciNet Review: 2779866

48. Singularités et transfert
Annales mathématiques du Québec . 37, no. 2 (September 2013) pp. 173-253.MathSciNet Review: 3117742

49. A prologue to Functoriality and Reciprocity: Part 1
Pacific Journal of Mathematics . 260 (2012) 583--663.

Shimura varieties

52. Modular forms and -adic representations
Modular functions of one variable II, Lecture Notes in Mathematics . 349 (1973) MathSciNet Review: 354617

53. Some contemporary problems with origins in the Jugendtraum
Mathematical developments arising from Hilbert's problems, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics . 28 (1974) MathSciNet Review: 437500

54. Shimura varieties and the Selberg trace formula
Canadian Journal of Mathematics . 29 (1977) MathSciNet Review: 498400

55. Comments on Shimura varieties and the Selberg trace formula
Canadian Mathematical Society Selecta . 2 (1995)

56. On the zeta-functions of some simple Shimura varieties
Canadian Journal of Mathematics . 31 (1979) MathSciNet Review: 553157

57. Automorphic representations, motives, and Shimura varieties. Ein Märchen
Proceedings of the 1977 A.M.S. conference on L functions and automorphic representations . (1977) MathSciNet Review: 546619

58. Sur la mauvaise réduction d'une variété de Shimura
Journées de Géométrie Algébrique de Rennes, Astérisques . 65 (1979) MathSciNet Review: 563475

59. Algebraische Zyklen auf Hilbert-Blumenthal Flächen
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik . 366 (1986) MathSciNet Review: 833013

60. Shimuravarietäten und Gerben
Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik . 378 (1987) MathSciNet Review: 895287

61. Representation theory and arithmetic
The mathematical heritage of Hermann Weyl, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, AMS . 48 (1987) MathSciNet Review: 974330


62. On the universality of crossing probabilities in two-dimensional percolation
Journal of Statistical Physics . 67 (1992) MathSciNet Review: 1171144

63. Finite Models for Percolation
Contemporary Mathematics . 177 (1994) MathSciNet Review: 1303608

65. Dualität bei endlichen Modellen der Perkolation
Mathematische Nachrichten . 169 (1993) MathSciNet Review: 1244993

Mathematical physics

66. The Dirac monopole and induced representations
Pacific Journal of Mathematics . 126 (1987) MathSciNet Review: 1171144

67. An essay on the dynamics and statistics of critical field theories
Canadian Mathematical Society Selecta . 3 (1995) MathSciNet Review: 1661616

68. Algebro-geometric aspects of the Bethe equations
Lecture Notes in Physics . 447 (1994) MathSciNet Review: 1356232

69. Aspects combinatoires des équations de Bethe
Advances in Mathematical Sciences: CRM's 25 Years . (1991) MathSciNet Review: 1479679

70. Universality and conformal invariance for the Ising model in domains with boundary
Journal of Statistical Physics . 98 (2000) -113.MathSciNet Review: 1745839

71. The renormalization fixed point as a mathematical object
Appeared in Twenty years of Bialowieza: A Mahtematical anthology, World Scientific Monograph Series in Mathematics . 8 (2005) 185--216.MathSciNet Review: 2181552

The geometric theory


76. Interview with Abel Laureate Robert P. Langlands
Notices of the American Mathematical Society . 66 (2019) 494-503.

77. Review of SL2(R) by Serge Lang
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society . 82 (1976) 688–691.MathSciNet Review: 1566893

78. Review of The theory of Eisenstein systems by M. Scott Osborne and Garth Warner
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society . 9 (1983) 351–361.MathSciNet Review: 1567462

79. Review of Harish-Chandra's Collected Works
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society . 17 (1985)

80. Harish-Chandra 1923-1983
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society . 31 (1985) MathSciNet Review: 1263347

81. Harish-Chandra
Memorial lecture, IAS . (1984)

83. Review of Elliptic Curves by Anthony Knapp
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society . 30 (1994) 96–100.MathSciNet Review: 1568078

91. test

93. Descartes ile Fermat
Matematik Dünyası . 2 (2005) -7.

97. The Shaw prize
On Certain L-Functions: A Volume in Honor of Freydoon Shahidi on the Occasion of his 60th Birthday . MathSciNet Review: 2767520

98. Pour la science
Une façon de faire la théorie des nombres . (2007)

100. Is there beauty in mathematical theories?
University of Notre Dame, January 2010 .

103. Preface: to be translated into Chinese
Langlands 纲领和他的数学世界 (Langands program and his mathematical world) . (2018, written 2016) 49--88.


Informal material

112. Istanbul konferans dizisi
Yıldız Technical University . (June 2003)

Visual material

133. Notes for a lecture at the Mostow conference
Yale University . (October 23, 2013)